BAKING SODA, this brilliant, remarkable, outstanding, multi-tasking chemical composition is the Chuck Norris of the molecular world. The more I read about this stuff the more I love it! I used to think it was only good for making your baking goods light and fluffy, and torturing children with when you ran out of toothpaste (stuff tastes like..well we all know what it tastes like), but it will whiten those not so pearly whites, and freshen even the most atrocious breath. So what else will this stuff do? What doesn't it do!
It will clean the heck out of your grout, take the grease off an oven, polish chrome, silver, & stainless steel, dry clean upholstery & carpets, help sooth burns & stings of all kinds, remove crayon. Wipe it on your windshield or windows to make them repel water, put out small fires (unless you have a dump truck full, then a bigger fire too), make a volcano, rocket, or any number of other fun science projects, turn it into clay, add it to water and keep flowers longer, clean veggies with it, repel pests from the garden with it. It will deodorize just about anything, your house, your cloths, you (for all those w/ gas this is a great product). It can soften skin, just add a cup to the bath.
It can be used to exfoliate, giving your face that much needed peel (no chemicals necessary), unfortunately it will not turn back the cruel hands of time, and no amount of exfoliating is ever going to scrub the ugly off, but every bit helps. This stuff has been used as an antiseptic, anti fungal, and antacid for years, so why am I waxing all poetic about it here? Well because in addition to all those other admirable uses, it turns out it may also stall our kidney disease, shrink kidney stones (or stop us from developing them all together), and decrease our chances of ever developing kidney disease in the first place.
You heard me, Baking Soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate has been shown to stall the progression of kidney disease (in some to almost a normal level) in a study done in Great Brittan. It was also shown to help people suffering from kidney stones and several different types of cancer as well. This may not be a cure, but it sure is an encouraging step in the right direction. Don't just take my word for it though, here are some links to the study, and ask your doctor: , , , ,
So when life gives you lemons, add baking soda and cure what ails you, because physics is bound by the laws of Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris kills 99% of all bacteria...he leaves 1% as a warning.
These jokes are addicting when you have a dry sense of humor like me, sorry.
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